Wednesday 20 August 2008

Alzheimer's Society Comment On Age Concern Research Into Depression In Older People, UK

�It is a huge concern that more than two million older citizenry who indicate symptoms of depression ar not receiving help and support. It is important to seek help if you have got symptoms of depression.

A proper assessment is as well needed to rule extinct underlying weather that english hawthorn cause depression, such as dementia. As many as two thirds of people with dementedness do not receive a diagnosis.

Symptoms of depression mirror the early symptoms of dementedness, including computer storage loss, confusion, mood changes and words problems. It is full of life to build if symptoms are due to dementia, so that you can buoy receive conquer advice and support. People with dementedness often say us that a proper diagnosis was a immense relief and the starting of acquiring back in control.

If you ar concerned about your retentiveness, or that of a friend or relative, you can download a copy of Alzheimer's Society's 'Worried About Your Memory?' publication from hypertext transfer protocol://, or shout Alzheimer's Society dementia helpline on 0845 300 0336.

Neil Hunt

Chief Executive

Alzheimer's Society

People concerned around their store should essay advice and help if the following occur:

- It's a struggle to remember recent events, although they can easily recall things that happened in the past

- It's hard to follow conversations or programmes on TV

- Regularly forgetting the name calling of friends or routine objects

- Inability to recall things heard, seen or read

- Difficulty in fashioning decisions

- Repeat themselves in conversation or lose the thread of what they are expression

- Have problems thinking and reasoning

- Feel anxious and depressed or angry nearly their forgetfulness

- Find that other citizenry start to comment on their forgetfulness.


Older people with depression are being denied help because of their age, according to a report by Age Concern. The report found people seeking aid are often fobbed cancelled, misdiagnosed or given incompatible treatment. Doctors may government issue prescriptions for drugs like Prozac, when counselling would offer more benefit. And the numbers game given psychological help are far lower than in the general population. The study, from Age Concern, said more than deuce million people over the age of 65 in England have symptoms of depression, but the vast majority are denied help.


- 1 in 3 people all over 65 volition die with dementia.

- 700,000 people in the UK birth a form of dementia, more than half take Alzheimer's disease. In less than 20 years almost a million people will be living with dementedness. This will soar to 1.7 million masses by 2051. 1 in 6 people over 80 have dementedness.

- Alzheimer's Society campaigns for and champions the rights of citizenry living with dementia and the millions who upkeep for them. Alzheimer's Society works in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

- As a jacob's ladder, Alzheimer's Society needs to raise money to attention for people today and to find a heal for tomorrow.

Alzheimer's Society

View drug info on Prozac Weekly.

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